Author: Danielle Battee

Danielle hasn’t stopped moving since 1998 when she left her small home town in northwest Montana to relocate to a college town in California. After a year of living the college life without actually attending, she headed out east to study creative writing and English literature at a small liberal arts college in New York. During her junior year, she moved to the Gold Coast in Australia to to study for a semester. Thus ensued her international globetrotting. The following year, after graduating, she returned to Australia, this time settling in Melbourne where she worked in various restaurants around the city. She returned to the states, moved to Portland, Oregon, worked in a travel company selling Eurorail tickets, went stir crazy being tied to desk all day and decided to move to Croatia. She spent 4 months in Beli Manastir, Croatia creating a youth program for Roma youth and teaching English. When this finished, she returned to Portland and began a master’s program in International Conflict Resolution. In 2007, after a long stint working for non-profits as a Family Support Specialist for at-risk-youth, she decided to make another change and moved to South Korea to teach English. She spent 2 years in South Korea. From there, she went traveling in Southeast Asia, managed a bar and hostel on Koh Phangan Island in Thailand for 3 months and moved to Malaysia to manage an eco-resort on Tioman Island. Now, after several stints back home and in England, she finds herself working at a winery on Waiheke Island in New Zealand. All in all, she has traveled to 21 countries and lived in 7, writing extensively about each experience. She’s not sure where she’ll end up next.

March 4, 2011 /
February 9, 2011 /
January 13, 2011 /