Author: Sallyanne Monti

Some of the perks of being born in Brooklyn NY in 1961: DaVinci’s Pizza on 18th Avenue in Bensonhurst, Disco, The cyclone roller coaster in Coney Island.

Some of the not so perky things about being born in Brooklyn NY in 1961: An accent you can never quite escape, A tiny patch of concrete better known as your backyard, A craving for carbs that started at birth and never really ends (heck they fed you pizza in your highchair)

When I was five, I proudly declared to my parents that I was moving to California. They said “yeah right”. When I was fifteen, I proudly declared to my then significant other that I was moving to California. The response, you guessed it “yeah right”. When I was thirty four, I proudly declared to my new best friend who lived in San Francisco that I was moving to California. The response, by now you’ve probably guessed, “yeah right”. And so in 1996, lock stock and barrel I moved to California. It began (my later in life) love affair with travel. I mean it’s not like I didn’t travel before. Like the good Italian Brooklyn girl I was, my parents took us kids to New York’s Catskill Mountains on vacations (think Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing); and to the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania (think cabin next to a lake) and in my later years think (champagne glass shaped hot tub and pink furry bedspreads). And although these small jaunts sparked my love of travel, it wasn’t until hitting the shores of California (ok actually crossing over the Reno border) that it all began to make sense. There’s a big giant world out there and I want to see it. And so I did and have and will continue to. Herein lays my quest, taking my not so shabby writing savvy and blending it with my love of travel, to bring you this… (drum rollllllll) ….yes you’ve guessed it, not so shabby Travel Writer, I know I know you’re probably saying “yeah right”. I am Sallyanne Monti. With my spouse Mickey, we split our time between our two homes in the San Francisco Bay Area of California and Playas del Coco Costa Rica. See, I really do travel. Now I have to convince you I can write about it.

March 1, 2012 /
August 17, 2010 /